Argue: to cite a person who says something contrary to another argument.
Example: While A believes p, B argues that q (C 2017).
Assert: to cite a person who says something confidently or with force.
Example: Despite arguments against p, B asserts q (C 2017).
Note: to cite a person who is pointing out something interesting, adding a fact or piece of information.
Example:A additionally notes p (C: 2017).
Point out: the phrasal verb “to point out” means to bring attention to an important fact.
Example: A also points out that p, while q (C 2017).
Reason: to cite a person who draws a conclusion based on information, evidence, or knowledge.
Example: A reasoned that p due to q, as opposed to r (C 2017).
State: a more formal synonym for the word “say.”
Example: A also states that p (C 2017).
Claim: to cite someone who is stating or asserting that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
Example: A claimed that research about p is q (C 2017).
Maintain: to cite a person who keeps their opinion, despite claims against it.
Example: Although p, B maintains that q (C 2017).
Sections of a good writing
Ethics Statement
Table of Contents
List of Tables
list of figures
Delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should be mentioned. They describe the boundaries that you have set for the study. This is the place to explain:
- the things that you are not doing (and why you have chosen not to do them).
- the literature you will not review (and why not).
- the population you are not studying (and why not).
- the methodological procedures you will not use (and why you will not use them).
Limit your delimitations to the things that a reader might reasonably expect you to do but that you, for clearly explained reasons, have decided not to do.
Delimitations define the parameters of the investigation. delimitations deal with population/sample, treatment(s), setting, and instrumentation.
This study was delimited to German and British tourists who were 14 years and older visiting the two natural parks in the North of Mallorca between May 15″ and June 1n 2013.
As the German and British tourists represent the two biggest guest segments of an arriving visitors on Mallorca (approx. 56%) and the Balearic Government expressed high interest in the two groups.
this research was delimited to these two nationalities only.
Limitations are influences that the researcher cannot control. They are the shortcomings, conditions or influences that cannot be controlled by the researcher that place restrictions on your methodology and conclusions. Any limitations that might influence the results should be mentioned.
When considering what limitations there might be in your investigation, be thorough.
Consider all of the following:
- your analysis.
- the nature of self-reporting.
- the instruments you utilized.
- the sample.
- time constraints.
In qualitative research certain limitations might mean that the findings cannot be generalized to the larger population. This is especially true when the definition of the population is broad (ex: elderly women)
The findings are not generalizable to all groups of tourists on Mallorca. due to sampling of visitors from Germany and the UK only.
Additionally, this research was only undertaken during spring. Findings may differ depending on the season of the year.
Moreover, recommendations given are based on the type and nature of the parks.
It has to be taken into account that products/ offers have to be customized to the natural circumstances and may vary depending on the type of protected area researched
Theoretical Foundations of Research Questions
The Review of Related Literature section addresses the questions “How unique is this thesis?” “Is it a logical expansion of previous work?” and “Has this already been done?”
briefly review past research & theory in your topic question (e.g. summarize current research provide sufficient background information to enable a non-specialist scholar to understand them. It must contain a thorough review of relevant literature, perhaps in a separate chapter.
3 Design and Methods
4 Findings About particular forms of Citizen Participation
5 Generalizations to Theories of Citizen Participation
6 Conclusion
Include potential implications, as well as the facts.
Explain carefully how your Findings confirm or diverge from those of previous researchers
In the Discussion section, relate your results to past or current research & theory you had cited & described in the Introduction.
Do note the statistical significance of your findings, & limits to their generalizability.
Remember that even if you did not obtain the significant differences you had hoped to, your results are still interesting, & must be explained, with reference to other research & theory.
“Limit this section to a discussion of summarized data that were presented earlier in your thesis.
Do not present new information. Use the Conclusion to articulate your main points with clarity;
to reiterate, summarize, and perhaps re-sequence the Findings; and to start winding down yourthesis narrative” (College of Education Masters Committee)
7 Appendices
8 References