Portable OS
IF you have an ISO image of your OS or
Enter product key get your iso from Microsoft
IF you have the dvd of your OS but it is not bootable
Windows Bootable ISO Creator can Create the image and can burn it
Then a bootable USB installation can be made of non bootable installation dvd by
YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator
URL: https://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/
To create windows to go:
Windows Bootable ISO Creator can Create the image and can burn it
then WintoUSB (by Haselo) with ISO images of Microsoft OS will show all possible versions of OS the ISO can install and installs the image on USB bootable 🙂
Windows 10 special:
We can Either directly put the OS on an USB drive or create ISO Image of the OS :
Windows 10- Media Creation Tool on a computer running windows 10
Directly to flash or to ISO
Hiren’s windows 10 is 64bit only boot cd provides a trimmed OS no Flash
ISO download: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/
Burn to USB:
format yourself do not rely on ISO2USB
Hiren’s windows XP boot cd can run from CD or USB
Each zip comes with its own CD burning tool
USe Rufus with FAT32 to burn it to USB flash or HDD connected via USB
Linux Live USB Creator Worked fine with standard ISO from Mint website in October 2019 When Rufus could not use the same image
Another option is imgBurn
Avoid RUFUS for Linux