VietOCR and NeoCR worked after installation which will install tesseract-ocr nicely- Does Not save as searchable pdf or even print or print to pdf (only text)
Neocr can easily download languages
Worked on both my Samsung and Brother scanners but not from clipboard
normcap capture the screen region to text directly and supports arabic ocr with limited success
PDF Printer When installing you don’t need pdf architect
use custom install The new location of PDFCreator
Clipboard and Scanner to PDF and OCR: Pdf convertor professional sometimes is sold at a very good price; can be used as scanner software, laso saves the clipboard to pdf, then can OCR the pdf.
OCR: Copy to clipboard, create a pdf from clipboard in pdf convertor or a pdf reader, save as searchable pdf
Capture2text- install #q select the area #q an un-formatted text is in clipboard ready for tts freeocr- (FreeOCR30.exe) works well from scanner or file, does not save to pdf- No print option hand writing
OCR: Scanner software: FreeKapture- works with all scanners- one page scan then copy to clipboard or print to printer or pdf 
simpleOCR: the best for scan but saves to doc file Documalis Freeware scans multiple pages to pdf and prints ( the new version has limitations to 10 pages) can be used when don’t have pdf convertor
Scanner-OCR: HP: full_5590_3.exe works with windows 7