Persuasion 🙂
So minister of justice was persuaded not to administer justice and when she was removed from the job she complained.
SNC-Lavalin may face fraud charges connected to work on Montreal’s Jacques Cartier Bridge
“From Feb. 1, 2001, to Oct. 24, 2003, the evidence reveals that payments totalling $2,345,230 (Canadian) was paid by SNC-Lavalin to Michel Fournier in Swiss bank accounts,” the Crown said in the written statement.
No one from SNC-Lavalin has been charged in Project Agrafe and when Meek Baillot was asked why by reporters outside the courtroom, he said he would not comment on “hypothetical” situations. At least four different former SNC-Lavalin executives face criminal charges in five different pending criminal cases at the Montreal courthouse. That includes three former executives who were charged in a case involving the $1.3-billion contract to construct the McGill University Health Centre.
Former bridge official pleads guilty to taking bribes from SNC-Lavalin
A statement from Nkili attached to the warrant application alleges: “Between 2001 and 2003, more than $2.2 million in bribes were paid to Swiss accounts controlled by Michel Fournier and his spouse, Judith Barkley Fournier, by SNC-Lavalin Inc., through the company Promotag.” Fournier is the former head of the Federal Bridge Corp. and of Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
Scott A. Brison PC (born May 10, 1967) was a Canadian politician from Nova Scotia. He was originally elected as a Progressive Conservative in 1997 but crossed the floor to join the Liberal Party in 2003. He was President of the Treasury Board of Canada (the central agency that reviews and approves spending by the Government of Canada) in Justin Trudeau‘s ministry until January 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Brison#Cabinet_Minister
“The powers of ordinary men are circumscribed by the everyday worlds in which they live, yet even in these rounds of job, family and neighborhood they often seem driven by forces they can neither understand nor govern.”
Insofar as national events are decided,the power elite are those who decide them.
- If the economy had once been a multitude of locally or regionally rooted, (more or less) equal units of production, it now answered to the needs of a few hundred corporations.
- If the government had once been a patchwork of states held together by Congress, it now answered to the initiatives of a strong executive.
- If the military had once been a militia system resistant to the discipline of permanent training, it now consumed half the national budget, and seated its admirals and generals in the biggest office building in the world.
The “awesome means of power” enthroned upon these monopolies of production, administration and violence included the power to prevent issues and ideas from reaching Congress in the first place.
The small groups of men standing at the head of the three monopolies represented a new kind of elite, whose character and conduct mirrored the antidemocratic ethos of their institutions. The corporations recruited from the business schools, and conceived executive training programs that demanded strict conformity. The military selected generals and admirals from the service academies, and inculcated “the caste feeling” by segregating them from the associational life of the country. Less and less did local apprenticeships serve as a passport to the government’s executive chambers. Of the appointees in the Eisenhower administration, Mills found that a record number had never stood for election at any level.
Rather than operating in secret, the same kinds of men — who traded opinions in the same churches, clubs and schools — took turns in the same jobs. Mills pointed to the personnel traffic among the Pentagon, the White House and the corporations. The nation’s three top policy positions — secretary of state, treasury and defense — were occupied by former corporate executives.
The trend in foreign affairs, Mills argued, was for a militarized executive branch to bypass the United Nations, while Congress was left with little more than the power to express “general confidence, or the lack of it.”
Policy tended to be announced as doctrine, which was then sold to the public via the media. Career diplomats in the State Department believed they could not truthfully report intelligence. Meanwhile official secrecy steadily expanded its reach. “For the first time in American history, men in authority are talking about an ’emergency’ without a foreseeable end,” “Such men as these are crackpot realists: in the name of realism they have constructed a paranoid reality all their own.”
The power elite by C. Wright Mills 1956 By; John H. Summers in The New York Times
echoed and amplified in books like Christopher Lasch’s “Revolt of the Elites” (1995),
Kevin Phillips’s “Wealth and Democracy” (2002),
Chalmers Johnson’s “Sorrows of Empire” (2004) and
Thomas Frank’s “What’s the Matter With Kansas?” (2004).
Tax Evasion
Warren Buffet
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
On 10 July 2007, Strauss-Kahn became the consensus European nominee to be the head of the IMF, with the personal support of President Nicolas Sarkozy
IMF Managing Director (2007–11)
Board of Russian Regional Development Bank (2013–)
Adviser to South Sudan government
His Paris lawyer, Jean Veil, announced in May that he would go to court over “Welcome to New York,” a film in which Gérard Depardieu plays a sex addict who sexually assaults a hotel maid.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn also sued over “Beauty and the Beast,” a novel written by a former lover, Marcela Iacub, who described him as “half man, half pig.” The court declined to ban the book but awarded damages and required that each copy contain an insert informing readers that Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s privacy had been violated.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn now lives in Marrakesh, Morocco, but he appears regularly in Paris and works as a financial consultant to governments and banks, and as an investment banker.
Prosecutors in New York dropped charges against him in 2011 after they became concerned about the truthfulness of his accuser, a hotel housekeeper named Nafissatou Diallo. Mr. Strauss-Kahn later reached an out-of-court settlement with her, sparing him having to testify in a civil trial. He also prevailed against a French author, Tristan Banon, who said he had tried to rape her in 2003. The prosecutor dropped that case after deciding that the evidence suggested a less serious offense with a shorter statute of limitations that had already run out.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 65, who is highly regarded in France as an economist, has been helped in his quest for redemption by the travails of President Hollande, whose deep unpopularity has left many French voters pining for an alternative leader. A survey of French opinion earlier this year put Mr. Strauss-Kahn at the top of a list of 14 French political figures whom voters would prefer to see in the Élysée Palace instead of Mr. Hollande.
Karachi Affair (Urdu: ماجرہ کراچی ) refers to the commissions and kickbacks paid by France when it sold Agosta submarines to Pakistan and the May 8, 2002 terrorist attack in Karachi, Sindh,Pakistan. In 1994, France negotiated a deal to sell three Agosta-class submarines to Pakistan for a sum equivalent to €826 million (£684m, $996m). The commissions of 6.25% of the contract amount, approximately €50 million was paid out.[1] In accordance with standard procedure back then, only in 2000 did France sign an OECD convention outlawing commissions, some 50m Euroswere paid as ‘sweeteners’ to various senior Pakistani military and political leaders.[2]
Nicolas Sarkozy, then budget minister and was also Edouard Balladur‘s spokesman.[18] Both have denied any involvement in Karachi Affair. On 3 July 2012, French police raided former FrenchPresident Nicolas Sarkozy residence and office as part of their probe into claims that he was involved in illegal political campaign financing.[19][20] The allegations are related to the Pakistan Agosta submarine commissions used in political campaigns.[21]
Karachi affair. (2013, February 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:31, March 14, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Karachi_affair&oldid=536186175
Andy Coulson
Andrew Edward Coulson (born 21 January 1968)[3][4] is an English journalist and political strategist. In June 2014 he was found guilty of conspiracy to intercept voicemails.[5] He was sentenced on July 4 2014 to 18 months in prison.[6] On June 30 2014, it was announced that he would face a retrial over two counts of conspiring to cause misconduct in public office in relation to the alleged purchase of confidential royal phone directories in 2005 from a palace police officer, after the jury in the original trial was unable to reach a verdict on them. [7]
Coulson was the editor of the News of the World from 2003 until his resignation in 2007, following the conviction of one of the newspaper’s reporters in relation to illegal phone-hacking.
He subsequently joined David Cameron’s personnel as communications director, until announcing his departure on 21 January 2011 because of continued media coverage of the phone-hacking affair.[8][9] He was replaced on 2 February 2011 by former BBC Global News Controller of English Craig Oliver.[10] Coulson was arrested by the Metropolitan Police Service on 8 July 2011 “in connection with allegations of corruption and phone hacking”.[11]
=======MCGILL UNIVERSITY !!!! ===================================
Arthur Porter (physician)
In February 2004, Porter was appointed as the Director General and CEO of the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, Quebec, one of Canada’s largest academic health centres.[3] He left that position in December 2011.[4]
Porter also served as chair of the Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee, which reviews the activities of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canada’s spy agency. He was appointed to that committee by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on September 3, 2008, and along with that appointment, was made a Privy Councillor.[5]
On May 27, 2013, Porter was arrested in Panama on fraud charges, which alleged that he took part in a $22.5 million kick-back scheme related to the construction of McGill University Health Centre’s new $1.3 billion hospital
Dan Gagnier
In an email, Dan Gagnier told five people at TransCanada Corp. to target the right people in a new government as quickly as possible so they can help shape national energy strategy decisions, if the Conservatives lose the election next week.
Gagnier wrote that such lobbying will be necessary to ensure timelines for projects like the Energy East pipeline aren’t put at risk. “If there were ever a time for energy companies to act with clarity and uniformly, it would in a change of government scenario,” Gagnier allegedly wrote.
The Irvings have an almost complete monopoly in print media in New Brunswick, owning all English and French daily newspapers but one (L’Acadie Nouvelle) and most English weekly and community papers.