September 14, 2009
1. Asian Journal of Communication
2. Communication Monographs
3. Communication Research
4. Communication Theory
5. Comunicar (Spain)
6. Critical Studies in Media Communication
7. Cyberpsychology & Behavior
8. Discourse & Society
9. Discourse Studies
10. European Journal of Communication
11. Health Communication
12. Human Communication Research
13. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
14. Interaction Studies
15. International Journal of Advertising
16. International Journal of Conflict Management
17. International Journal of Press-Politics
18. International Journal of Public Opinion Research
19. Javnost—The Public
20. Journal of Advertising
21. Journal of Advertising Research
22. Journal of Applied Communication Research
23. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
24. Journal of Business and Technical Communication
25. Journal of Communication
26. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
27. Journal of Health Communication
28. Journal of Media Economics
29. Journal of Public Relations Research
30. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
31. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
32. Language & Communication
33. Management Communication Quarterly
34. Mass Communication & Society
35. Media Culture & Society
36. Media International Australia
37. Media Psychology
38. Multilingua—Journal of Cross Cultural and Intralanguage & Communication
39. Narrative Inquiry
40. New Media & Society
41. Political Communication
42. Public Culture
43. Public Opinion Quarterly
44. Public Relations Review
45. Public Understanding of Science
46. Quarterly Journal of Speech
47. Research on Language and Social Interaction
48. Science Communication
49. Technical Communication
50. Telecommunications Policy
51. Text and Performance Quarterly (in the Arts and Humanities, not in Communication)
52. Text & Talk
53. Tijdschrift Voor Communicatiewetenschap
54. The Translator
55. Visual Communication
56. Written Communication