To Froce Excel to open a csv (comma separated values) add this line atthe beginning of the text file.
IObit Uninstaller
– One-Stop Solution to Stubborn Programs Uninstall
Resident translator
Screen shot
To find all folders (only folders) that have the word amir in the folder name
amir kind:folders
Free Alternative to Microsoft OneNote
To write by pen on the Application of Computer Using A cellphone or tablet
for example when you want to sign a document on a desktop :
Anydesk on the PC with a resolution that should not be much higher than tablet resolution
Anydesk On the cellphone-> mouse mode
If the two computers on the same network, Run TightVNC server on the PC side The Firewall must be managed.
Run the TightVNC client on the tablet, you can easily write on the server.
On android side run MultiVNC (move the mouse by finger, click with three buttons it offers, write by pen)
TigerVNC was originally based on the (never-released) VNC 4 branch of TightVNC which is more actively updated.
Installation doc: https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/rustdesk-server-oss/install/
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nzHm3xGz2I
Chrome Remote Desktop
Free alternatives: https://medium.com/@paraskeva.glueck/top-5-free-rustdesk-alternatives-in-2024-3c3671d7fe52
To see the desktop of a computer from another computer without writing on it
If installed, it will be a service (Not a good Idea)
If you just run without installation, it works as a screen server on the pc sharing. The pc viewing should logon with one time username password given by that server. Every run on the same server will give the same username but every time with a different password
from a browser: https://www.dwservice.net/en/
UltraViewer is like DWagent but must be installed and preserves the password.
is also free with no installation
For this purpose of course there are others:
Tiger VNC
UltraViewer can write on the other computer but is not practical
share the window->… -> enable annotation for others on the viewer: View options annotate
Any annotation will be done within zoom and is not within the document
Context menu (right click) freezes the windows explorer and one must restart windows explorer in task manager.
remove MPV by running MPV uninstaller in is MPV folder
Com surrogate should not take 15% cpu time, kill Com surrogate in task manager
Delete the folder containing MPV.exe
scan and repair registry with CCleaner registry cleaner multiple times and restart windows
Make another program default for video.
Mahou Free Language switcher and translator
create the folder in portables then copy the ini file below to the folder
Clock and calendar
To lock your workstation run a batch file containing:
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
- Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard.
- Key in PowerShell and hit Enter.
- Right click on the PowerShell icon on the taskbar and select Run as Administrator.
- Now paste the following command in the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window and press Enter key: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
- Wait for PowerShell to execute and complete the command. Ignore the few errors (in red color) that may pop up.
- When it finishes, try hitting Start and hopefully it’ll start working.
Change the width of scroll bars

- Connected User Experiences and Telemetry (To turn off Telemetry and Data Collection)
- Diagnostic Policy Service
- Diagnostic Tracking Service (To turn off Telemetry and Data Collection)
- dmwappushsvc (To turn off Telemetry and Data Collection)
- Downloaded Maps Manager (If you don’t use Maps app)
- IP Helper (If you don’t use IPv6 connection)
- Program Compatibility Assistant Service
- Remote Registry (You can set it to DISABLED for Security purposes)
- Secondary Logon
- Security Center
- Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service (If you don’t want to use touch keyboard and handwriting features)
- Windows Defender Service (If you don’t use Windows Defender program)
- Windows Error Reporting Service
- Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) (If you don’t have a scanner)
- Windows Search (If you don’t use Windows Search feature frequently)
taskkill /f /im RuntimeBroker.exe
mkdir %windir%\SystemApps\NoCortana
move %windir%\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy %windir%\SystemApps\NoCortana

This application allows you to create hotkeys for both keyboard and mouse. In addition, you can also remap keys if you want to.
AutoHotkey is an open-source scripting language for Windows
Here is the example I created to search selected text in Farsi dic and wikipedia
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
^#f:: ; CTRL+win+f hotkey
;Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up} ; Copies the selected text. ^c could be used as well, but this method is more secure.
;clipboard := clipboard
;MsgBox, %clipboard%
clipboard := “” ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
Send {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}
ClipWait ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
;MsgBox Control-C copied the following contents to the clipboard:`n`n%clipboard%
Run https://abadis.ir/?lntype=entofa&word=%clipboard%
^#w:: ; CTRL+win+w hotkey
;Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up} ; Copies the selected text. ^c could be used as well, but this method is more secure.
;clipboard := clipboard
;MsgBox, %clipboard%
clipboard := “” ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
Send {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}
ClipWait ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
;MsgBox Control-C copied the following contents to the clipboard:`n`n%clipboard%
Run https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%clipboard%
^#t:: ; CTRL+win+w hotkey
;Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up} ; Copies the selected text. ^c could be used as well, but this method is more secure.
;clipboard := clipboard
;MsgBox, %clipboard%
clipboard := “” ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
Send {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}
ClipWait ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
;MsgBox Control-C copied the following contents to the clipboard:`n`n%clipboard%
Run https://translate.google.com/?hl=fa&sl=auto&tl=fa&text=%clipboard%&op=translate
BadCopy Pro data recovery software for flash drive, USB drive, CD, DVD, memory card, floppy disk and other removable disks. |
Some Situations Where BadCopy Pro Can Help |
The software does not write data to your original disks, but saves the recovered data to a new folder that you specify. |
The evaluation versions shows the recovered files but does not save them |