Examples of FPTP (plurality disaster)



Fundamentalist Greens insistence led to what they and the majority did not want.

7% of people in a jurisdiction wasted their vote, leading to an opposite outcome of what they wanted.

The conservative representative of their community will vote against existing carbon taxes in the parliament.

While, if they had voted for either NDP or Liberal, a closer outcome to what they want could emerge.



Sometimes plurality is not disputable

 Sometimes plurality is disputable

In the scenario above,

B is simple plurality winner.

IRV  removes A, and B will be the Winner.  Non Condorcet

Kirshenbaum = IRV B wins.     Is wrong Non Condorcet

Kirshenbaum without spoil, one spiler {C} Winner=A      

PWS:  C spoiler removed and A winner.

PWS+: B strong, C spoiler, A winner, A>C Confirmed.



In the scenario above,

B is simple plurality winner.

IRV will lead to A removal and C will be the Winner.

Kirshenbaum = IRV C wins.   Is wrong

Kirshenbaum without spoil, one spiler {B} Winner=A      

My patent pending Plurality without spoil, {A and C} as spoilers.  C the weakest spoiler removed and A winner.

PWS+: B Strong, {A and C} as spoilers.  C the weakest spoiler for A, A>C confimred, C removed and A winner.   A is condorcet winnder
